What to expect from the mechanic during a proper brake inspection
Brakes are a critical safety feature for all vehicles. They allow for the deceleration and control of a very heavy object moving at high speeds. For the safety of everyone on the road, brakes should be properly maintained. Here is what you can expect from...
3 “Standard” Maintenance Auto Services that are Complete Nonsense
Vehicles built within the 2000s are produced with much more quality than those built in the 1980s and 1990s. The mechanical breakdowns and maintenance required is much less in today’s vehicle. This has shifted the dynamics of the auto repair industry which has lead to...
What the majority of the auto repair industry does not want you to know
In the auto repair business, when we have a customer with multiple cars we call that a fleet account. This is usually a business, (such as a car rental place, on-site air conditioning repair, etc.), which relies on their fleet of cars to perform their...